Friday, 21 January 2011

kit car

Ive owned my kit car a Dutton Melos for around 5 years, it was something I had always wanted since i was a boy, a racing car i could afford but when i could afford one the kids came along so money went different places, but after 20 years and a divorce the chance came along because there was no-one to stop me, e-bay sorted me out with a very cheap box full of bits and a rolling fiberglass body which someone had striped and never put back together. That spring I sanded down the box section chassis gave it 2 coats of red lead paint and then 4 coats of black coach enamel,up graded the front shockers (spats),black enameled the rear axle,prop shaft and front stubs, rear shockers were painted red and fitted to the chassis.The body was one piece and was bolted into place along with the seats,roll bar,screen bars,steering shaft,steering wheel and carpets.The engine is a ford 1600 crossflow from a ford escort Mexico which was striped as far as i was able and refitted. It didn't need much work but a new carburetor was purchased from e-bay again and fitted. The electrics were gone so an electrician mate from work came round a few weekends and rewired it, starter motor, alternator, headlights everything just left me the dash to build. The old clocks from an old ford down the scrap yard did the job as now I wanted to get it on the road. Had the engine running  but never drove it until the m.o.t, took it to work where they did m.o.ts and it passed their inspection but not mine the driving position was to cramped for a 6" 2 bloke and although it didn't weigh much it didn't stop very well, so I had to cut the front bulkhead out, make a box for the foot pedals so my legs would fit better,then in the already full engine compartment fitted a brake servo from the scrapyard again, took it for a spin, loads better.The summer was just starting so the car, although needing loads of work was just the toy to have, it wasn't the best but it was a head turner and was used daily until the autumn when the weather changed, a soft top was needed so to e-bay again. The roof was fitted and some doors were made, she was almost water tight (as tight as a kit car can get). It was used all that summer but had to come off the road during the winter, it was unsafe as the slightest of wet roads just made the back wheels spin on the spot. The body had had no work done to it so it was sanded and the spiders in the fiberglass were filled and the body was painted ivory,it was originally black, the colour change had come from the high build primer,when it was on the car it looked good so got top coat the same colour .Its an ongoing project which will improve with time which takes me into another project we making

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